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Location:Home>troubleshooting > laser cutter machine > Air pump won’t work or no air assist when job starts

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Air pump won’t work or no air assist when job starts

Release Time:2019/06/01 laser cutter machine Browsing Times:983

Here are the reasons:

● Air compressor break down

How to check if air compressor break down, there’s a common way to connect it to the power directly using the power cable of chiller, then check if air compressor can be turn on normally, like below:
some trouble of laser cutter

● Wrong setting

The air assist can be controlled by the layer parameter of software, please make sure you have “If Blowing” selected to YES, like below:
some trouble of laser cutter

Note: If the Processing Mode is Cut, “If Blowing: Yes” must not be changed.

● The air valve is close

Make sure have the manual air valve opened(horizontal means open), like below:
some trouble of laser cutter
