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How to choose a reliable laser cutter

▷ How to choose a reliable laser cutter
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Laser cutting of seals

Release Time:2016/06/03 Business all Browsing Times:829

Exact matching gasket material comfortably cut

  • Automatic sealing of cutting edges prevents fringe
  • No tool wear – no loss of quality
  • Contactless cutting
  • High flexibility in daily service due to various additional options
  • High precision and accuracy of repeatability
  • Automated production process with Shuttle Table System
  • Marking systems in various variants

High-quality laser cutting of seals

Seals are an indispensable feature of day-to-day industrial life. They are used in widely differing applications and prevent or limit the passage of unwanted substances from one area to another. The quality of the seals plays a particularly important role in this.